8 Celebrity-Approved Photo Booth GIF Poses

At the Michael Kors event last Thursday to celebrate the new photo book by Claiborne Swanson Frank, Young Hollywood, the ladies who make up the club of 60 up-and-comers profiled within the tome had access to a little something we're all too familiar with: The Party Photo Booth. You know the kind, operating in the corner at that weekend wedding reception, office party, or chi-chi industry event, complete with a pile of props outside to really make your four-frame GIF truly gram-worthy. The problem? Your refrigerator and Insta feed cannot handle another deer-in-the-headlights moment where you and your friends awkwardly resort to a panicked kissy-face for lack of preparation. This time, go in with a game plan, and let Olivia Thirlby and co. help. 

For women who make their money mugging for a lens, these celebs really know how to turn it on for the photo booth. Candid, charming, and funny, these poses don't play into cliches (See, Hear, Speak No Evil, anyone?) or force you to go unphotogenic for the laughs. And sure, fine, these ladies might have an edge on us: They were decked out in full Michael Kors regalia and had beauty specialist Brett Freedman on hand for touch-ups using Michael Kors beauty products right outside the photo booth, while we just have a mustache on a stick to hide our three-martini fade. But, the point still stands. Let us learn from these goddesses and ramp up our own photo-booth game. Your eight new go-to poses, ahead.

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