Kim Kardashian seven years after being hacked? Self erotic movie again fled

[WASHINGTON] actress Kim Kardashian (Kim Kardashian) had been previously hackers hack, Kim Kardashian and her boyfriend was black singer "Ray J" bed erotic videos circulating on the Internet in seven years ago, did not think seven years after the dart, the new erotic movie again fled.

The new self-timer movie lust objects are whites, but did not reveal the face, let the outside world have speculated who was some speculation that the Portuguese footballer "C Lo" (Cristiano Ronaldo) or singer John Mayer (John Mayer).
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Since the film's hero and heroine are not exposed face, just the body and the back, gossip site reporter controls the color of nail polish, bracelets, and physical characteristics, and so on, the film's heroine finds that Kim Kardashian, also control the self-nude mobile phones, and in 2010 Kim Kardashian used phone models like 2010 years to judge this film is shot.

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