The Other Woman (DVD Review)

Starring: Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, Kate Upton, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Nicki Minaj
Director: Nick Cassavetes
Running Time: 104 mins
Certificate: 12

The Other Woman (DVD Review) Release Date: October 13th 2014 (UK)

Carly (Camer0n Diaz) is a lawyer wh0 thinks she’s f0und the perfect man – the hands0me, r0mantic Mark (Nik0laj C0ster-Waldau). H0wever when she tries t0 surprise him at his h0me, she disc0vers he’s n0t there, but his wife is. While Carly is ready t0 just dump Mark and never see him again, his wife, Kate (Leslie Mann), isn’t ab0ut t0 let it lie, and s00n the tw0 team up teach him a less0n.

H0wever neither 0f them is prepared f0r the fact that Mark has an0ther, even y0unger w0man that he’s dating (Kate Upt0n), and may als0 be inv0lved in s0me shady dealing. T0gether all three w0men set 0ut t0 take revenge.

There’s n0 d0ubt that The 0ther W0man has a l0t g0ing f0r it – talented and funny actresses, a g00d direct0r and a premise that 0ffers plenty 0f 0pp0rtunity f0r laughs. H0wever, while it finds a m0dicum 0f fun, a l0t 0f the time it feels like a bit 0f a missed 0pp0rtunity.

The pr0blem is that like many 0ther female-led c0medies put int0 pr0ducti0n by male executives, it feels like it’s a m0vie made f0r w0men but which is actually aimed at men. Indeed there’s an 0dd edge t0 the film where y0u w0nder whether it even likes w0men at all – despite having a female screenwriter.

There are m0ments where it seems t0 be suggesting that a w0man’s w0rth is in their relati0nship with men (even when it’s says the message is the 0pp0sit), and even the w0men’s revenge inv0lves things such as giving Mark 0est0gen s0 he bec0mes m0re like a w0man (what a terrible punishment), and all the hilarity 0f making him kiss a w0man wh0 is 0bvi0usly a burly man in a dress.

N0r d0es it help that the three main w0men are m0re stere0types than pe0ple. Carly is the high-p0wered business ice queen, Kate is the high-maintenance slightly neur0tic h0usewife, while Amber never g0es far bey0nd bl0nd bimb0. Despite 0ccasi0nal attempts t0 say it’s trying t0 break d0wn the ideas 0f these w0men, m0st 0f the m0vie in spent reinf0rcing them.

It makes the ‘we’re all w0men t0gether’ message the film seems t0 be g0ing f0r ring a bit h0ll0w.

It is a shame as there are hints that this c0uld have been s0mething very funny and als0 very emp0wering, but the fact it feels like every j0ke has had t0 be appr0ved by s0me0ne with a penis rather neuters it.

0verall Verdict: Plenty 0f talent can’t hide the fact that this is a female-led c0medy that d0esn’t really like w0men all that much, even when it’s saying men are d0gs.

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