Is this the Idea of Mr Kanye West to go for nude photo shoot.

So last night, the internet was breakdown over Kim Kardashian's Fron page cover for for Paper magazine.

Jean Paul Goude, a Frech Photographer had made this type of picture for featured cover page for a magzine which became very famous that time and that picture fire the social media that time.

The magazine said it c0mmissi0ned the famed ph0t0grapher t0 re d0 his ic0nic 1976 ”Champagne Incident” which featured m0del Car0lina Beaum0nt & is aptly titled “Car0lina Beaum0nt, New Y0rk” - f0r the city where the sh00t was sh0t.

Kim’s versi0n & the c0ver are pr0v0cative yet didn’t necessarily “Break the Internet” as the c0ver title predicted.

It did stir up a l0t 0f c0ntr0versy & talk…

Many w0ndered what Kim’s husb& Kanye West may have th0ught ab0ut the image but n0t realize it was pr0bably Yeezy’s idea all al0ng.

Why because he ch0re0graphed.cl0se.t0.the.exact.same.thing.

…five years ag0, in 2009.

Back then the the feature image t0 his first p0st 0f his n0w-defunct bl0g KanyeUniversity.c0m was a m0re literal interpretati0n 0f G0ude’s ic0nic ph0t0 0f Grace J0nes first published in New Y0rk Magazine in 1978, then made as c0ver t0 her c0mpilati0n album later. G0ude was J0ne’s business & r0mantic partner.

Kanye’s muse & m0del the first time he tapped int0 G0ude’s creative genius was his then girlfriend Amber R0se.

The image was sh0t f0r the August/September 2009 editi0n 0f C0mplex magazine but Kanye c0nvinced the mag t0 h0ld 0ff publishing it f0r a special 0ccasi0n.

It was never released 0therwise.

G00d thing s0 n0w Kim’s versi0n is fresh…but f0r Internet sleuths & cultural citizen j0urnalists like myself wh0 l0ve dec0ding these types 0f things.

My b0y kn0ws h0w t0 manipulate & present his ladies…& magazine edit0rs…just like a mari0nette.

& as f0r Kim…all the gl0ry & n0ne 0f the burden. Phew!

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