Miley Cyrus is one step ahead to Kim kardashian forTopless shoot for Golden Lady.

Miley Cyrus 0ne ups Kim Kardashian in a t0pless ph0t0 sh00t f0r G0lden Lady.

Miley Cyrus c0uldn’t let Kim Kardashian have all the attenti0n f0r her nude ph0t0 sh00t this week. The singer p0sed t0pless again, this time in a new ad f0r G0lden Lady tights, acc0rding t0 a Friday, N0v. 14 rep0rt 0n Celebuzz.

The pint size p0p singer appears in the ads f0r G0lden Lady tights. She strips d0wn t0 n0thing but a pair 0f h0t pink sheer tights. She walks ar0und and dances t0 her latest single 0ff 0f “Bangerz,” #GetItRight. It's n0t kn0wn if the single will be set t0 release t0 the radi0 anytime s00n.

Cyrus als0 appears in a series 0f ph0t0s f0r the sexy ad. She p0ses t0pless with her arms barely c0vering her breasts. She als0 sh0ws 0ff her petite behind in the brightly c0l0red tights.

Cyrus p0sted a c0llage 0f ph0t0s 0f Instagram with the capti0n, “r0cking dem legzzzz.” [Sic]

It’s n0t surprising that Cyrus is p0sing t0pless again. She’s been p0sing naked f0r many fashi0n magazines and ph0t0 sh00ts thr0ugh0ut m0st 0f this year. It’s 0bvi0us that she feels c0mf0rtable in her 0wn skin and that’s fine. But is the general public tired 0f seeing her naked, like with Kim Kardashian?

It’s safe t0 say that these ph0t0s w0n’t break the Internet. H0wever, it will relieve pe0ple fr0m seeing the c0untless memes and ph0t0s 0f Kardashian’s 0iled up b0tt0m 0n the c0ver 0f Paper magazine.

Subtlety isn’t Miley’s thing th0ugh. She packs a l0t 0f sexual innuend0s int0 the 16-sec0nd ad. She’s seen licking a heart-shape ball00n and sticking 0ut her t0ngue t0 the camera.

It’s reminiscent 0f her scandal0us “Wrecking Ball” music vide0, which garnered all the wr0ng attenti0n. Like Kim, she became a bit 0f a laughingst0ck 0n the Internet. Her "Wrecking Ball" m0ment became a turkey meme. N0w Kim is the new, um, "butt" 0f the j0ke, just in time f0r Thanksgiving.

Miley Cyrus als0 has a new man in her life. She was recently seen kissing Patrick Schwarzenegger at a USC f00tball game 0n N0v. 13 at the L0s Angeles Mem0rial C0liseum. The tw0 were making 0ut in fr0nt 0f a large cr0wd. Miley and Patrick aren't seri0us at the m0ment. They're rum0red t0 be "just friends," but they seemed a little m0re than friendly at the game.
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