Most Shocking: Iggy Azalea was announced the Best in AMA 2014

If there was ever any doubt that the American Music Award was Iggy Azalea's night, the rapper has won her second gong. The Aussie artist took out best rap/hip-hop artist, whipping old army man Eminem and Canadian rapper Drake.

"This reward is the first reward I Have won in my complete existence," she said as she taken her reward. "it means so much to me that it is the best hip-hop, because that's what given impulse to me to move to America and go after my sleep experiences, and it is what helped me when I was a boys or girl of 13 to 19 years old to get away and to get through my existence and to better times.

"it means that I can be positioned here against Eminem and Drake, and come out with this, it is surprising."

Meanwhile it was not a very great surprise when Sydney boys 5 seconds of Summer walked away with the new artist of the year reward giving thought to as the great number of persons cheered at the only say the name of their name. As the group of 4 taken the fan-voted gong they proved they had not put out of mind their roots as they gave a shout-out to their country town. "This just shows a little band from Sydney can do great things," drummer Ashton Irwin told the public in La 1's Nokia theater. He said to reporters backstage: "we were higher degree unnatural at it because it was our first bill of exchange of anything, but it is surprising. "it is really impulse-giving for us that we can do material like this."

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