All signs indicate that 2017 will be the Worst Year for iPhone

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple said that “often people do not know what they want until you show it “, but it seems that in Cupertino not just given the key to the iPhone back to the path that turned the company in a rocket bag and a faith for its customers. IDC confirms a recent report what we already suspected. iPhone sales will fall for a whole year for the first time in its history. Specifically, the consultant says that “all signs indicate that 2017 will be the first year that this situation arises .”

It is a momentous event for the company, since the sale of the iPhone accounts for 60% of revenues, a figure that exceeds 75% if the entire ecosystem that accompanies the terminal (music in iTunes, applications, accessories added, etc.), which gives an idea of the importance to Apple recover the standards of his model.

In late October last year the company showed revenues of more than 46,800 million dollars and a profit of 9,000 million dollars, the revenues 51,500 million and 11,000 million profit for the same period last year. And this decline large part of the blame had the iPhone , since in the same quarter of 2015 48.000 units were sold against the 45,500 in the same period of 2016.

China Mobile, one of the problems

For analysts the reason for this decrease is, on the one hand, the fact that the market for mobile telephony is increasingly mature and, on the other, at the entrance of many more actors to a market in which Apple campaba almost alone. The American company was until recently almost the only too focused on making high – end devices . Now , however , teach Chinese as Meizu and Xiaomi, to name two examples, manufacture terminal able to compete in performance with the iPhone but at a price much more content . Another reason is, according to industry sources, quite simply that all products marketing touch your roof, if it could be the iPhone.

That skinny dog flea everything is back is an aphorism that, in this case, can not be applied to Apple. In fact it is paradoxically its main competitor who has breathed him a small oxygen tank. The withdrawal Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Direct -rival 7- iPhone due to battery problems reported by many users, could allow Apple to gain some time to reverse a situation that seems historic. And since 2007, when it introduced the first iPhone, the Californian firm had never been a full year of decline in sales of this terminal.

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