Kanye West explains why I met with Donald Trump

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Kanye West explains: That's why I met with Donald Trump

Wednesday, December 14, 2:29 : US rapper Kanye West has in New York with Donald Trump met. Now he has on Twitter explains how it came to the meeting. He wrote that he wanted to meet with the future US president to discuss "multicultural issues".
Donald Trump traff with Kanye West

They would have, inter alia, bullying, support for teachers, modernizing curricula and violence in Chicago replaced.

West also wrote that he felt it important to communicate directly with the upcoming president, if one wanted change.

In the end, he set off a cryptic tweet with the content "# 2024". It is probably a reference to his own ambitions to become the US president.

Kanye West and Donald Trump meet at the Trump Tower

20:30: Donald Trump has met with rapper Kanye West (39). Both appeared on Tuesday surprisingly at the Trump Tower in New York, where the future president is currently composing his cabinet. When Reporter Trump asked in the lobby what they were talking about, the 70-year-old replied briefly, "Life, we've been discussing life." Darkly dressed, the two men strolled from one of the golden elevators into the golden lobby, Trump in the dark suit, West in black trousers and sweater, adorned with a large chain. West had dyed his shaved hair blond, roughly in trumps tone.

"We're just friends," said Trump. Kanye West was a good man. "We've been friends for a long time." At the meeting, it was not Kim Kardashian as a Trump reality TV star. On the reporter's question to West whether he had nothing to say after a meeting with the designated US president, the rapper said with a smile that he was just there to take a picture. To farewell, Trump and West beat their hands together, hugged each other and pushed their shoulders against each other.

West had gotten anger in November when he had publicized his support for Trump. He had said he had not voted - but if he did, he would have voted for Trump. West had finally made a confused impression on fans. At an appearance in California, he grumbled in November after only three songs for minutes over Hillary Clinton and other celebrities before the show finally completely broke. A few days later he was taken to hospital in due to exhaustion signs and sleep deprivation Los Angeles brought.

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