OSCAR Deserving Halloween 2018 of Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz posted on Instagram

Heidi Klum and her boyfriend Tom Kaulitz will celebrate Halloween as the green ogre couple Shrek and Fiona disguise. Shortly before the start of her traditional Halloween party on Wednesday evening (local time), the German model on Instagram shared the secret this night. Heidi Klum posted photos and videos of the transformation into the thick, bright green figures from the "Shrek" animation films.

A team of make-up artist has created Knollnasen, chewing cheeks, ogre ears and for Klum also a lush plastic cleavage. Shrek and Fiona, followers enthusiastic in comments on the Instagram account. "Oh, you Shrek, Heidi. How do you get that off afterwards? ", Joked a fan." How cool is that !! Hammer idea, hammer implementation, "commented another user. Klum stamped their entries with green and red hearts, but without naming the figures.

Heidi Klum disguised himself as a wrinkled grandma
For weeks, the "Queen of Halloween" in the social media had given little insight into the preparations. On the night of Thursday, the four-time mother wanted to host her 19th Halloween party in a New York club. In the past few years, the model from Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne had dressed up as a comic character Jessica Rabbit, Cleopatra, Gorilla or wrinkled grandma. The pictures you see in our picture gallery!

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