Kelly Brook looked like she was in time of being sad for a loss for her failed relation on Saturday. The design to be copied and female acting person wore head-to-toe black in Los Angeles, a day after dumping fiance David McIntosh. Though she did not look that sad as she let chance make decision her hair with a smile on her face, but it seems the broken into bits could have been down to David's close be in touch with his ex.

On Saturday, the beauty posted: 'I will always do anything and everything to keep safe (out of danger) the people I love even at the price of letting myself down at times'. Kelly has been using her social 1 thing by which something is done to (be able to) do with the break up, first posting the tweet and later having the same an old picture of herself looking happy with an american flag in the heading. While away from the United Kingdom in her taken up house of Los Angeles, television qualities special to one person Kelly has been making payments time with us female acting person Elisha Cuthbert.
Case of the ex: Kelly Brook reportedly dumped David McIntosh for being too close with former girlfriend Sarah HarperStill smiling: The model and actress didn't seem to be too upset about the end of her engagement
Grief chic: Kelly wore a roll-neck knitted jumper with a skater skirt and black sandals
Case of the ex: Kelly Brook reportedly dumped David McIntosh for being too close with former girlfriend Sarah Harper
Social media boast: The pretty brunette took to Instagram on Saturday to post a stunning shot of herself in happier times
As indicated by her strong feelings tweet, 34-year-old Kelly has been keeping her loved ones around her while not going Stateside, without David. On Friday night, the design to be copied was glammed up for a night out at noted person hotspot Cecconi's, strutting her substance through West Hollywood in Burgundy quick look toe back of foot. She shared an after effect of strong drink picture the next day that said: 'after effect of strong drink Bed selfie having on body my Coachella ruler #HeadHurts ' The design to be copied was putting her greatly respected form on play or amusement, and also a without fear face on nearby surprising bit of knowledge because it was actually a day that she said was very sad.