LONDON - Did not expect this!
Kelly Brook (35) is regarded as one of the most attractive Britiek now. Her charms adorn the recent Christmas party held in central London.

Cellulite is perhaps bugbear for every woman. And neither circumvent beauties from among prominent. These are indeed the pages of magazines perfectly retouched, but in private they can wreak orange skin wrinkles properly. His would know about that talk obviously the British sexica Kelly Brook. Attractive fashion model during the last week attended the Christmas party,
Which shall be duly vyobliekala. The choice fell short dress. In this respect, the book but Kelly was aware that the skirt can be when getting out of the car to reveal and what should remain hidden, thus panties. They are, however, its disappointment at present photographers managed to show up. However, as the lens brings a bonus one more disappointment - cellulite on your legs.