AirVR: iOS Virtual Reality Device on Kickstarter Works With iPhone 6, iPad Mini (+Video)

AirVR is a new virtual reality headset that leverages iOS Retina hardware.

The project, from Toronto-based Metatecture, is billed as putting virtual reality within people’s reach.

“Introducing the AirVR and AirVR+, the first wireless VR headsets for iPad Mini, iPad Mini with Retina and iPhone 6+. AirVR is the most affordable way to experience the world of Virtual Reality for yourself. With your iPad Mini or iPhone 6+ and AirVR, you have everything needed to experience immersive VR anywhere,” the company said on its Kickstarter page.

To use the device, people simply slide their iPad Mini or iPhone6 into the AirVR and it works.

“The ergonomic foam pads and adjustable ballistic nylon straps ensure a snug and comfortable fit,” the company said.

The device utilitizes the battery in the devices, and also other features such as sensors like GPS and speakers.

“We looked at the challenge of positional tracking from a different point of view, literally. By using the front-facing camera in conjunction with printable AR markers, we can move freely in a virtual environment using accurate head tracking without the need for an external camera or additional hardware. This gives AirVR high quality positional tracking capable of accurately locating a user’s position and orientation within a space, while remaining mobile and low cost,” the company added.


And by using the camera feed, users can also see what’s in front of them, opening the door for high fidelity AR applications. This level of accuracy and integration is vital for making the most immersive VR experiences possible.”

Metatecture is seeking $20,000 in Canadian dollars to fund the project. It has $1,531 so far.

People who pledge $49 or more receive one airVR HMD and access to free downloadable content from iTunes.

People who pledge $90 or more get two devices.

People who pledge $200 or more get five devices, and full scale VR development on iOS.

People who pledge $400 or more get a 3d printed headset as well as early access to the airVR development package.

People who pledge $900 or more get three devices through 3d printing and early access to the airVR development package.

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