Secrets of a great married life

Some couple have a rocking married life inspite of their differences. While there are some who seem to be just right for each other but part ways within a few months. A rocking married life is not impossible. The partners only need to adjust with each other in their life together.
Studies have revealed that most long-lasting marriages, have partners who think in terms of 'US', while keeping intact the 'ME' in the relationship. If you sacrifice the 'Me', your married life will feel like a burden. Here are some relationship tips for a great married life.


The channel of communication should always be open with your partner. Any breakdown in communication may be dangerous for your relationship. Your busy lifestyle may leave very little 'Us' time for both of you, but make sure you catch up at some time during the day.
Marriage is more about companionship than passion. Of course the passion and romance is important, but be realistic and don't pine for the magic of your courtship days. Try to re-establish your romantic connection with your partner by fond memories of the bygone days. The passion of your courtship days may not come back, but you can spend more 'US' time. Enjoy the companionship of your partner and have a rocking marriage always.


Marriage doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your individuality. If you have been playing a particular sport then continue to play the game after marriage as well. And if you love watching movies then carry on like before. Just make sure that your individuality does not affect the relationship. A man who is a casanova cannot continue to be so after wedding, as it won't be accepted.


All couples have fights, it's very normal. Durring quarrels you can shout or scream to your hearts content. But make sure that you end the quarrel before the day ends. Begin afresh and burry the past after that. Under no condition should the fight continue for days.

Respect your dear one so that you are respected in return.

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