Five Films To Hold You Over Until ‘Fury’ has been Released On DVD of Brad Pitt.


With Brad Pitt’s Fury making $8.8 million at the box office during its opening Friday night, critics are hailing the movie as a success.

But maybe you can’t make it to the theater right away? Here are some of Brad’s best movies available now to keep you going until Fury makes it to DVD.

12 Monkeys

Th0ugh the w0rld is n0w used t0 Brad Pitt playing all kinds 0f crazy characters, when 12 M0nkeys released in 1995, the teeny b0pper m0vie audience that had catapulted Pitt t0 fame was sh0cked t0 see the act0r playing a disheveled crazy man in the Terry Gillam time-travel thriller. Cast al0ng with Madeline St0we and Bruce Willis, the m0vie was a dark and twisted st0ry 0f just h0w wr0ng science ficti0n can g0.


Als0 released in 1995, Se7en sh0wed a c0mpletely different side 0f Brad Pitt. Playing 0pp0site the amazing M0rgan Freeman, Pitt was calm, c00l, and c0llected—until everything fell apart. D0n’t watch this 0ne while y0u’re eating dinner. Just d0n’t.

Fight Club

The first rule 0f Fight Club is, 0f c0urse, that y0u d0n’t talk ab0ut Fight Club, but it’s imp0ssible t0 discuss the traject0ry 0f Pitt’s rising star with0ut visiting this 1999 flick. Reunited with direct0r David Fincher, direct0r 0f Se7en, Fight Club c0unterp0inted Pitt with Edward N0rt0n and Helena B0nham Carter f0r the biggest sh0cker ending since Sixth Sense. The m0vie pr0ved, yet again, that Pitt was willing t0 get his pretty mug beaten up f0r a great m0vie.


2000’s Snatch br0ught m0vie g0ers a new side 0f Brad Pitt—0ne that was very difficult f0r American audiences t0 understand. Literally. W0rking with Beneci0 del T0r0 and Jas0n Statham, Pitt t00k 0n the r0le 0f Irish Traveler Mickey 0’Neil. He spent quite s0me time learning t0 speak in 0’Neil’s Pikey dialect. M0st American audiences c0uldn’t understand a w0rd he said. His b0xing scenes at the end, h0wever, sp0ke f0r themselves.

Ingl0uri0us Basterds

2009 saw Brad Pitt j0in f0rces with directing p0werh0use Quentin Tarrentin0 f0r the film Ingl0uri0us Basterds. A W0rld War II m0vie that f0cuses 0n a plan t0 assassinate Nazi war leaders, Pitt plays Lt. Ald0 Raine t0 critical acclaim.

Fr0m his marriage t0 superstar Angelina J0lie and the regular magazine st0ries ab0ut their multinati0nal family, t0 his st0ried and extensive m0vie career, Brad Pitt hasn’t left the American c0nsci0usness since he f0und a place there. Fury l00ks t0 be an0ther fantastic additi0n t0 his p0rtf0li0. The m0vie has a rating 0f 80 percent 0n R0tten T0mat0es, and has received rave reviews everywhere fr0m NPR t0 The Atlantic.

D0 y0u have a fav0rite Brad Pitt m0vie? Tell us ab0ut it in the c0mments!

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