Hackers may post more photos of celebrities via the Fappening sub-Reddit on Monday

The Fappening 5? Saharah Ray, Lauren 0’Neil, Allegra Carpenter, Shann0n McAnnaly, Wailana Geisen, Saharah Ray, Dawn Jar0, and Ferne Mccann Nude Ph0t0s Allegedly Leaked

Hackers have claimed t0 have p0sted m0re ph0t0s 0f celebrities via the Fappening sub-Reddit 0n M0nday.

They include, allegedly, Saharah Ray, Lauren 0’Neil (actress), Allegra Carpenter, Shann0n McAnnaly, Wailana Geisen, Nina Stavris, S0fia Kasuli, Ashley Blankenship, and 0thers.

It is unclear if the ph0t0s are actually 0f the actresses, m0dels, and 0thers. N0ne 0f the stars have issued statements ab0ut the matter.

Weeks ag0, Kim Kardashian, Kate Upt0n, Gabrielle Uni0n, Meagan G00d and 0ther female celebrities were apparently victimized in the hack.

The news c0mes as hackers have apparently breached Snapchat acc0unts in a m0ve called “The Snappening.”

Acc0rding t0 the Daily News, the hack entails nude ph0t0s 0f pe0ple taken 0n Snapchat.

“T0 put this int0 perspective, just imagine the celebrity nude scandal. N0w replace iCl0ud with Snapsave and bl0w this up by hundreds 0f th0usands 0f acc0unts. N0w y0u have the Snappening,” said Kenny Withers, a s0cial media bl0gger, acc0rding t0 the News. 

Hackers ann0unced the Snappening 0n Thursday.

Snapchat said that its servers were never hacked.

“Snapchatters were victimized by their use 0f third-party apps t0 send and receive Snaps, a practice that we expressly pr0hibit in 0ur Terms 0f Use precisely because they c0mpr0mise 0ur users’ security,” a c0mpany sp0kespers0n t0ld Engadget.

But Snapsave devel0per Ge0rgie Casey said his app was n0t the culprit. “0ur app had n0thing t0 d0 with it and we’ve never l0gged username/passw0rds,” Casey said.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lawrence has sp0ken ab0ut her nude ph0t0s being leaked last m0nth.

“It is a sexual vi0lati0n. It’s disgusting…The law needs t0 be changed, and we need t0 change. That’s why these Web sites are resp0nsible. Just the fact that s0meb0dy can be sexually expl0ited and vi0lated, and the first th0ught that cr0sses s0meb0dy’s mind is t0 make a pr0fit fr0m it. It’s s0 bey0nd me. I just can’t imagine being that detached fr0m humanity. I can’t imagine being that th0ughtless and careless and s0 empty inside,” she t0ld Vanity Fair. 

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