Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult: Former Couple to 'Film Sex Scene in X-Men Apocalypse'

 Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult will reportedly have to film a sex scene in the upcoming film, X-Men: Apocalypse.

0scar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence and Nich0las H0ult will rep0rtedly have t0 film a sex scene in the upc0ming film, X-Men: Ap0calypse.
The X-Men: Days 0f Future Past c0-stars had split f0r the sec0nd time recently and blamed their difficult schedules f0r the break-up.

Acc0rding t0 The Sun, the character Mystique, played by Lawrence and Beast, played by H0ult, will have t0 keep their pers0nal differences aside and film a steamy sex scene t0gether.

"It's a huge ensemble franchise but the p0int 0f this latest film was t0 strip that back and f0cus 0n Jen and Nick's characters' relati0nship," a s0urce said.

"Earlier this year that seemed like a great idea, but n0w they've split and it's t00 late t0 c0mpletely rewrite the script.

"They are very pr0fessi0nal, 0f c0urse, and will make it w0rk," the insider added.

Lawrence and H0ult met during their screen test f0r X-Men: First Class, and began dating in 2011. H0wever, the tw0 briefly split in early 2013, rekindling their r0mance just f0ur m0nths later last June.

H0wever, b0th have m0ved 0n in their pers0nal lives and the 24-year-0ld Hunger Games star is dating C0ldplay singer Chris Martin, and H0ult is rum0ured t0 be in a r0mantic relati0nship with Kristen Stewart.

The 24-year-0ld Twilight actress and H0ult wh0 are currently w0rking t0gether in sci-flick Equals, rep0rtedly hit it 0ff instantly.

Meanwhile, during an interview with MTV, H0ult revealed that a few intimate m0ments between Beast and Mystique were cut in the film.

"There were an0ther c0uple 0f scenes which g0t cut, because they didn't w0rk technically in terms 0f the ge0graphy 0f h0w the m0vie played 0ut in the end," H0ult said. "Why [Mystique and Beast] w0uld be here — when the w0rld is ab0ut t0 end — and then we've nipped h0me quickly t0 have a g00d night's sleep. Every0ne was like, 'well, we can't really d0 that.' S0 there were a c0uple 0f extra scenes which g0t cut, unf0rtunately."

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