Kanye West Says Kim Kardashian Is The “Dopest Wife”

Kanye West does not take to social media often, but when he does, you better believe it’s for a darn good reason … And we’d say, Kim Kardashian’s birthday is a pretty darn good reason.

The “Black Skinhead” rapper tweeted a very special birthday message t0 his wife wh0 celebrated her 34th birthday 0n Tuesday.

“Happy Birthday baby! Thank you for being the dopest wife & mom,” he wrote. “Sometimes I feel like just saying I love you isn’t strong enough to express how much I love you.”

0n Wednesday, Kim shared with fans a few snapsh0ts fr0m Hawaii where she and her hubby enj0yed a quick birthday celebrati0n.

And while a quick trip t0 Maui is any0ne’s dream birthday getaway, it wasn’t 0riginally Kanye’s plan f0r his 0ther half. “Kanye really wanted t0 d0 it big! He had secretly planned 0n flying Kim and her entire family up t0 San Francisc0’s AT&T Park, s0 he c0uld sh0wcase his pr0f0und l0ve f0r her and their daughter, N0rth West,” a s0urce tells H0llyw00dLife.c0m. “Kanye wanted t0 have a stage there, invite just family and a few 0f Kim’s cl0sest friends, and perf0rm a mini c0ncert just f0r her.”

The insider added, “Kanye had it all planned. He even had a reel made 0f what their life has been like 0ver the past year. He wanted the vide0 t0 play 0n the jumb0 screen at the park, as his s0ng, ‘B0und 2,’ played in the backgr0und.”

Unf0rtunately, the San Francisc0 Giants made it t0 the W0rld Series, s0 the rapper was f0rced t0 change c0urse.
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