Lady Gaga Goes Glam in London to Watch Her PBS Jazz Special with Tony Bennett

L00king f0r like a B0nd villain than a p0p star, Lady Gaga stepped 0ut in L0nd0n and pr0ved that she's still the queen 0f the w0rld.

Celebrating the success 0f her jazz album with the 0ne and 0nly T0ny Bennett, PBS aired a special Friday that featured the pair perf0rming selecti0ns fr0m the new piece 0f w0rk, "Cheek t0 Cheek." And leave it t0 Gaga t0 wear what m0st w0uld use as a wedding dress t0 the viewing party.

We kn0w the g0rge0us b0dy hugging g0wn is R0bert0 Cavalli, thanks t0 a p0st 0n Faceb00k fr0m M0ther M0nster herself.

Gaga m0st definitely kn0ws h0w t0 flaunt th0se curves 0f hers and h0w t0 w0rk the hell 0ut 0f a camera.

Check 0ut all 0f the ph0t0s in the gallery ab0ve and d0n't f0rget t0 let us kn0w what y0u think 0f Gaga's white ensemble in the c0mments bel0w.

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