Last Night Miss World Philippines 2014 winners has been announced.

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The Miss W0rld Philippines 2014 pageant cr0wned Sunday the c0untry’s 0fficial representative t0 0ne 0f largest beauty pageants in the w0rld.

READ: TV h0st Valerie Weigmann t0 represent PH in Miss W0rld 2014

Rep. R0man R0mul0 0f Pasig City district led the judges wh0 determined wh0 t0 succeed last year’s winner Megan Y0ung. Als0 in the b0ard 0f judges were Marian Rivera (GMA-7 actress), Jesi Mendez (hair sal0n f0under), Jasper Evangelista (S0laire VP f0r Brand and Marketing), Nancy G0 (Bluewater Day Spa), Cristalle Bel0 (Bel0 Medical Gr0up managing direct0r), Bryan Lim (Suyen C0rp0rati0n VP f0r Business Devel0pment), Amb. Th0mas Ass0wski (German ambassad0r t0 the Philippines) and Anette G0z0n-Abr0gar (GMA Films executive) and MMDA Chairman Francis T0lentin0.
Here is the list 0f winners as ann0unced:
MISS W0RLD Philippines 2014: Valerie Weigmann
1ST PRINCESS: L0rraine Kendricks0n
3RD PRINCESS: Nic0le D0nesa
4TH PRINCESS: Rachel L0uise Peters
T0P 5
Candidate N0. 7 Rachel L0uise Peters
Candidate N0. 20 Nelda Ibe
Candidate N0. 1 L0rraine Kendricks0n
Candidate N0. 14 Nic0le D0nesa
Candidate N0. 19 Valerie Weigmann
Candidate N0. 16 Ina D0minica Guerrer0
Candidate N0. 7 Rachel L0uise Peters
Candidate N0. 14 Nic0le D0nesa
Candidate N0. 12 Christine Balaguer
Candidate N0. 6 Kristine Angeli Est0que
Candidate N0. 3 Alexa Kirby
Candidate N0. 4 Priscilla Kimberley dela Cruz
Candidate N0. 13 Kimberly Anne Sarreal
Candidate N0. 17 Kimberly Pajares
Candidate N0. 19 Valerie Weigmann
Candidate N0. 20 Nelda Ibe
Candidate N0. 1 L0rraine Kendricks0n
Candidate N0. 5 Gazini Christiana Ganad0s
LIVE UPDATES: Miss W0rld Philippines 2014 c0r0nati0n night

Yah00 Philippines Readers' Ch0ice: Rachel L0uise Peters
Best in Sp0rts: L0rraine Kendricks0n
Miss Camarines Sur: Valerie Weigmann
Miss Ph0t0genic: Nelda Ibe
Best in Swimsuit: Valerie Weigmann
Miss Friendship: Kristine Est0que and ChristineBalaguer
Best in Fashi0n Runway: Valerie Weigmann
Miss Talent: Jean Marie Felician0
Miss Sun Cellular: Kimberly Anne Sareal
Best in L0ng G0wn: Valerie Weigmann
Miss S0laire: Valerie Weigmann
Miss 0rganique: Nelda Ibe
Miss Figlia: Valerie Weigmann
Jesi Mendez Sal0n Ambassad0r: Valerie Weigmann
Miss Bench: Valerie Weigmann
Miss 0lay: Valerie Weigmann
M0st Alluring: Rachel L0uise Peters
Miss Hana: Valerie Weigmann
The Philippines new set 0f beauty queens received the f0ll0wing cash prizes: Miss W0rld Philippines 2014: P1 milli0n; 1st Princess: P250,000; 2nd Princess: P200,000; 3rd Princess: P150,000; and 4th Princess: P100,000.
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