Sinead O'Connor attacks Miley Cyrus again over 'hooker' photo

Sinead o'Connor has taken another swipe at Miley Cyrus, insisting her parents should be ashamed of themselves for letting their daughter dress like "a hooker".

The outspoken Irish hitmaker and pop star Miley became embroiled in a social media feud last year after the Nothing Compares 2 U singer wrote an open letter to the former Disney favourite, urging her to resist "prostituting herself" for the music industry after viewing her Wrecking Ball video, in which Cyrus bared all.

N0w, 0ver a year later, she's taking aim at the p0p star again, p0sting a magazine ph0t0 0f the scantily-clad star 0n her website and adding a brief n0te with the headline "D0es Any0ne Kn0w The Whereab0uts 0f This Girl’s Parents?"

She adds, "Because they appear t0 be missing in acti0n. In sh0rt, n0 human being 0n earth w0uld be taking a ph0t0 0f, 0r filming, 0r watching my daughter dressed like a h00ker with a l0ad 0f cash stuck in her m0uth. Hell0?

"The music industry is c0nsci0usly engaging in the sexualising 0f min0rs via the sexualizing 0f artists wh0 l00k like min0rs and wh0se audience are min0rs. If y0u imagine I’m talking b0ll0x (sic) remember n0 0ne believed priests were sexualizing min0rs either. I have a hist0ry 0f being right ab0ut these things.

"Whether 0r n0t these artists feel its their 'ch0ice' t0 be s0ld 0n the basis 0f their sexuality is beside the p0int. Their under-age audiences have been given n0 ch0ice. N0t 0nly are these artists being used in 0rder t0 sexualize min0rs but als0 t0 make the same min0rs gr0w up n0t kn0wing the p0wer music has t0 smash evil and create life. They think music is all ab0ut sex. It's a genius d0uble win f0r an industry crawling with evil. A wh0le generati0n is gr00med and silenced.
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