Recently released "Avengers: Age of Ultron" trailer get over 34 million views in the first 24 hours.

May 1st, 2015 is going to see the U.S. release of Avengers: Age of Ultron, a superhero team movie that not only serves as the anticipated sequel to The Avengers, but is another entry in the individual series of characters like Iron Man and Captain America, and serves to further advance the Marvel Comics Universe. With the recently released Age of Ultron trailer racking up over 34 million views in the first 24 hours, it's beginning to look like the movie will set new box office records.

0ver at The M0tley F00l, a financial investment guide bl0g, Tim Beyers believes the sec0nd Avengers m0vie will bec0me the third film in hist0ry t0 make 0ver $2 billi0n, c0ming after Titanic (1997) and Avatar (2009). The main basis f0r his analysis is l00king at h0w well Ir0n Man 3, Captain America: The Winter S0ldier, and Th0r: The Dark W0rld did at the b0x 0ffice. The reas0n f0r these three m0vies specifically is because they came after the 2012 release 0f the first Avengers m0vie.

Beyers p0ints 0ut that each 0f the three m0vies did much better than their pre-Avengers entries. Ir0n Man 3 saw a 94.8% impr0vement 0ver the sec0nd film, making 0ver $1.2 billi0n; Winter S0ldier was up 92.7% 0ver the first Captain America, with $714 milli0n; and Dark W0rld t0pped Th0r by 43.5%, with $644 milli0n. The reas0n behind these m0vies' greater recepti0n am0ng viewers is simply because 0f h0w p0pular The Avengers turned 0ut t0 be, earning great reviews and pr0ving that Marvel c0uld deliver 0n its premise 0f an epic-scale film with n0t 0ne, but five superher0es. 

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