Orion Launch has been deleyed till Friday.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Wind sudden and violent and slow put gas in apparatus for controlling liquids through pipes worked against authority to keep NASA's new Orion spacecraft 1 on the get started thick material Thursday, loss (waste) of time an important test flight meant to revitalize man-like discovery.

Nasa with purpose of for another small balls for a gun Friday morning as tens of thousands of had not come up to hopes and tired get started guests hustled out. The weather go to person in authority was iffy - statement of weather was of the opinion that higher winds, clouds and rain - but managers were optimistic the wind direction would shift in their kind act.

United get started agreement's Dan Collins, who is in go forward of the unmanned Delta IV pipe powered by burning, said he was with selfbelief the valve trouble, seen before on an earlier special work, could be quickly overcome.

"The group was completely on their damaged and without full use, hearing to everything the pipe powered by burning was having effect us, and it lastly told us it was not ready to go today," Collins told newspaper man. "And so we will go make safe we have got a happy pipe powered by burning ... and send Orion off to a very, very good test flight."

Orion is how Nasa hopes to send astronauts 2 on round trips to Mars 3 in the decades on. This inaugural flight, while just 4 1/2 hours, will send the unmanned capsule 3 ,600 miles into space.

It is the first attempt to send a spacecraft 1 able of taking humans beyond a grouped in twos hundred miles of Earth since the Apollo moon program 4.

NASA's new countdown clock - making its first time doing near to Orion - got a training time as hard question after hard question take away unwanted parts of picture up in the last four minutes Thursday.

The first get started was delayed by more than enough wind and a goods ship had belief in to be in the launch-danger band; it later turned out the ship was in a safe place. Then the valve trouble hair made short up in the rocket's first-stage up-pushings.

"it was a roller coaster: We are going, we are not going," said Sarah McNulty, a space educator who was helping Nasa person going with the several-hundred news thing by which something is done on hand. "I am running on no hours of sleep, zero 5, zero 5 hours."

An put a value on 27 ,000 guests gathered for the noted in history send-off - roads leading into Kennedy Space Center were parceled well before Dawn - and the air was have thoughts of the past of the shuttle-flying days. "Go Orion" urged a hotel billboard in near CACAO seed sand at edge of sea.

astronauts 2 in waiting, being present at included Anna Fischer, one of NASA's first form spacewomen, and now given to the Orion program 4. She too was had not come up to hopes by the loss (waste) of time, but said "it is way more important to have a good flight."

"it was so much amusing to come out here and have that same air as before a shuttle push out into water," Fisher said. "we really feeling the loss of that. That's why we are here. This is what we love."

Orion is pointing for two orbits on this inaugural run, getting to a highest point distance up of 3 ,600 miles 6, high enough to make certain a 20 ,000 mph re-entry at a scorching 4 ,000 degrees. Splashdown will be in the Pacific off the coming from Mexico Baja go down slope, where Navy ships are waiting.

The $370 million 7 test flight - keeping out (away from) the price of the capsule, which will be reused in a get started abort 8 test - covers all delay-associated costs for the near limited stretch of time, according to persons with public positions.

The spacecraft 1 is put trick prices with 1 ,200 sensors to fixed size everything from heat to quick motion to radio rays. At 11 feet tall with a 16.5-foot base, Orion is bigger than the old-time Apollo capsules and, clearly, more advanced.

Nasa purposely kept astronauts 2 off this first Orion

managers need to test the riskiest parts of the spacecraft 1 - the heat safety skin, umbrella-like, different jettisoning parts - before making oneself responsible to a group of workers. The earliest Orion might keep passengers is 2021; asteroids 9 are on the space instrument's radar 10 sometime in the 2020s and Mars 3, the thousand highly valued, in the 2030s.

Lockheed Martin Corp., which is putting one's hands on the test flight for Nasa , made selection for the powerful Delta IV pipe powered by burning this time round. Future Orion persons sent on special works will have belief in on NASA's still-in-development megarocket within one's knowledge as SLS, or Space get started System. The first Orion-SLS combo get started is marked for 2018.

NASA's last journey beyond low-earth range of experience in a vessel made for people was Apollo 17 in December 1972, the last time men put foot on the moon.

"it is a having wave of feeling view when you have in mind that about actually exploring the solar system 11 space station military chief Butch Wilmore said from range of experience before the loss (waste) of time. "Who knows where it will take us?"
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