A type of drone "quadcopter" flies over and crashed into the garden of the White House in the United States

Monday, January 26, a small type of drone "quadcopter" flew over the US White House before crashing in the gardens of the South East side of the villa. The Secret Service ruled out any danger and quickly discovered that it was just a toy poorly controlled by a government employee who was just "having fun" .

Barack Obama and his wife Michelle are currently traveling to New Delhi for three days. No danger is therefore to suspect about the discovery of this small drone that crashed in the gardens of the White House on Monday. According to Josh Earnest, spokesman of Barack Obama, the results of a survey carried out showed that the flying object was safe for the residents of the White House.

The investigation by the Secret Service also identified the owner of the quadcopter, a drone about 60 cm in diameter. This is a government employee who was playing with miniature machine near the White House. As explained in the New York Times , the employee whose identity was kept secret, said not wanting to cross the gate of the White House, but there is still managed by losing control of his toy.

Anyway, this case confirms the actual existence of a flaw in the security of the White House.
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