FURY! Meet the sexy bodyguard Adele

This is Peter Van der Veen, keep behind the official interpreter Hello, Mr. ex Europe and former bodyguard of Lady Gaga.

After releasing his latest album '25', Adele still being felt, this time up the news does not focus on her figure, but the man who accompanies her everywhere.

FURY! Meet the sexy bodyguard AdelePhoto: Getty

The bodyguard of the singer is called Peter Van der Veen and was former Mr. Europe and in 2013 his name became known when he worked with the singer of pop Lady Gaga, she worked for five years and says it is as his own sister. Young has drawn attention to the followers of Adele by his bearing, his beard, shaved hair and blue eyes. Van der Veen is in charge of caring for Adele in all events. 

In the past, before jumping to safety member, Peter, as he is called, was competing in bodybuilding competitions and even won the title of Mr. Europe in 2005. He began working as a bodyguard with Iggy Azalea, Lady Gaga and now with Adele.

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