Vote! Which One Is Going To Be Best Game for Year-2017

1. Red Dead Redemption 2

If there’s any game that can temper my excitement for Breath of the Wild somewhat, it’s Red Dead Redemption 2. Of all the games on this list, Red Dead is the one I least expect to actually launch in 2017, but until Rockstar says otherwise, it’s my most anticipated game of next year. After binging Westworld over the past week, I’m not sure I’ve ever been more ready for a sequel to Rockstar’s best game. Bring on 2017.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I’m not sure there’s much that needs to be said about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but I’ll say it anyway: everyone with a pulse wants to play this game. Zelda games have always been about exploration and discovery, but Breath of the Wild turns the knob to 11, giving the player complete freedom to explore a massive open world and tackle obstacles in whatever manner they please. Let’s just hibernate until it’s out.

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