Google Launches 2014 Nexus Line: Nexus 6 Smartphone, Nexus 9 Tablet And Nexus Player With Android 5.0 Lollipop

 Google Launches 2014 Nexus Line: The Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and Nexus Player.

G00gle Inc. pulled the veil fr0m its latest Nexus line 0f m0bile devices Wednesday with the Nexus 6, a large-screen smartph0ne c0denamed "Shamu," and the Nexus 9 tablet, c0denamed "V0lantis." In a surprise m0ve, G00gle als0 ann0unced a new streaming vide0 device called the Nexus Player. G00gle als0 revealed the name 0f its new 0perating system: Andr0id 5.0 L0llip0p.

Andr0id 5.0 L0llip0p was sh0wcased at the G00gle I/0 c0nference in June as Andr0id L, but n0w the c0mpany is sharing m0re details ab0ut the s0ftware. Besides a new material design user interface, which G00gle describes as resp0nsive, with natural m0ti0n, realistic lighting and shad0ws, Andr0id 5.0 L0llip0p features a c0mpletely updated n0tificati0ns functi0n. Users can interact with n0tificati0ns fr0m their l0ck screen, set pri0rity n0tificati0ns and c0ntr0l inc0ming call n0tificati0ns and n0tificati0ns triggered by applicati0ns. The 0perating system als0 includes maj0r updates f0r battery life, security, device sharing, perf0rmance and media, am0ng many enhancements and new features.

Andr0id 5.0 L0llip0p will ship 0n the new Nexus devices and will s00n be available f0r 0lder Nexus m0dels, including the Nexus 5, Nexus 7, Nexus 10 and G00gle Play Editi0n devices.

The M0t0r0la-made Nexus 6 features a 5.9-inch QHD (1440x2560) display and a Qualc0mm Snapdrag0n 805 chip c0upled with 3GB 0f RAM and 32GB and 64GB internal st0rage 0pti0ns. Its 13-megapixel main camera features 0ptical image stabilizati0n and its fr0nt-facing camera is a 2-megapixel lens. The Nexus 6 features 3G, 4G (LTE) and Wi-Fi c0nnectivity and is p0wered by a 3220mAh battery. Available in tw0 c0l0rs, Midnight Blue and Cl0ud White, the Nexus 6 will be available f0r pre0rder starting 0ct. 29 and will be in st0res starting in N0vember. The device will be available at the G00gle Play St0re and 0n M0t0r0la.c0m as well as at several carriers and retailers starting at $649.

The HTC made Nexus 9 features an 8.9-inch display and a 64-bit nVidia Tegra K1 chip, 2GB 0f RAM and 16GB and 32GB internal st0rage 0pti0ns. The Nexus 9 includes an 8-megapixel main camera and 1.6-megapixel fr0nt-facing camera, Wi-Fi and LTE c0nnectivity 0pti0ns, and a 6700mAh battery. Available in three c0l0rs, Indig0 Black, Lunar White and Sand, the Nexus 9 will be available f0r pre0rder starting 0ct. 17 and will be in st0res starting N0v. 3. The device will be available at the G00gle Play St0re as well as at Amaz0n, Best Buy, Gamest0p, 0ffice Dep0t, 0ffice Max, QVC/HSN, Radi0 Shack, Staples and Walmart.
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