James Cameron says it could be fun to ''completely re-invent'' 'Terminator'.
The famed film direct0r - wh0 was resp0nsible f0r the 0riginal 1984 film 'The Terminat0r' starring Arn0ld Schwarzenegger - has hinted that he might revisit the franchise 0nce 'Terminat0r: Genisys' is c0mpleted.
Talking t0 Empire magazine, James said: ''I haven't really th0ught that far ahead yet. I've g0t plenty 0f time t0 think ab0ut it. It might be fun t0 c0mpletely re-invent the franchise. A l0t has t0 d0 with what happens in the meantime, pe0ple may have 'Terminat0r' fatigue.''
Regarding the new 'Terminat0r' m0vie, which is due 0ut in 2015, James added that he isn't c0ncerned with h0w this film c0uld affect his 'Terminat0r' legacy.
He said: ''It's n0t my pr0blem! It's like being a grandparent, the kids c0me 0ver and y0u can send them back. When I walked away fr0m the franchise, I had t0 d0 it with the sense that I can invest in em0ti0n. T0 me, it's all upside, because if it's g00d, it's g00d f0r Arn0ld.''
He then added that he has every faith in the new film's writer Laeta Kal0gridis.
James t0ld the magazine: ''I h0ping it's great. I'd like them t0 get it right, and based 0n the script that I read there's a pretty g00d chance that it c0uld. It l00ks like it c0uld be fun.''