Kanye West is reportedly attempting to get Kim Kardashian to "soften" in the direction of Beyonce Knowles.
Kanye and Beyonce's married man Jay Z 1 are good friends and have even been on journey together. however, their maried women do not get on quite so well, with thought the singer is not too stamped with the material fact television star. earlier this year it was claimed that Beyonce asked not to be seated too close to Kim at the Mtv VMAs, but she is apparently now had a re-think.
"As far as Kim's had a part in, the damage is d0ne - she thinks bey 0nly wants t0 be friends because she wants s0mething fr0m her n0w," an insider t0ld UK paper b00k c0ming 0ut regularly Heat.

Kim and Kanye tied the kn0t in Italy in May and it had been th0ught that Jay w0uld act as best man. In the end, the A-list gr0uped in tw0s did n0t give attenti0n t0 - in part th0ught t0 be because Bey0nce did n0t need t0 c0me int0 view as 0n Kim's play 0r amusement keeping Up with the Kardashians.
"Kim's n0t taking int0 acc0unt her calls s0 far. bey's g0ing t0 have t0 take as f00d s0me seri0us say 0ne is wr0ng fruit c0vered with paste c00ked t0 make up f0r all the public snubs she is made 0ver the years and f0r l0st her getting married," the starting p0int said. "she is certainly n0t g0ing t0 n0t be angry with her just because Kim's a bit m0re greatly respected n0w and Bey0nce's c0nditi0n 0f having general appr0val has taken a d0 well with."