Nic0le Scherzinger tapped T.I. t0 feature 0n her debut s0l0 single “Whatever U Like” way back in 2007. It’s 0nly fitting then that they reunite — seven years later — 0n the f0rmer PCD diva’s l0ng-awaited US debut LP Big Fat Lie. And while “Electric Blue” lacks the edge 0f their first c0llab0rati0n, the Janet Jacks0n-channelling mid-temp0 b0p is an abs0lute gem.

Pr0duced by The-Dream (it als0 features his v0cals) and Tricky Stewart, “Electric Blue” is a thr0wback t0 the simplicity and swagger 0f ’90s R&B. “At night all I think ab0ut is y0u, 0n that high this is what y0u d0,” c00s Nic0le 0ver rubbery beats. Fr0m there, she launches int0 the alm0st bubblegum-p0p ch0rus bef0re Tip arrives late in the s0ng with a typically explicit verse. Listen after the jump.