Jennifer Lawrence nude photos trump Hollywood blockbusters

A trove of personal photos from female celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence is available online. Photo: Reuters

A collection of nude photographs stolen from celebrities by hackers has become the most shared item on the world's largest file-sharing website.

"09.01.2014 Celebrity Nude Photo Hack Collection - #fappening" was the most "seeded" item on The Pirate Bay on Thursday morning, trumping Hollywood's biggest releases of the season.

The file had more than 28,000 "seeders" - users who download the file and make it available for others. 

Tweets about Jennifer Lawrence spike at more than 400,000 in one day as news of the photo hacking breaks.

The Pirate Bay ranks the photographs as more popular than Angelina Jolie's Maleficent and the Tom Cruise blockbuster Edge of Tomorrow.

The images also outrated teen romance The Fault Is In Our Stars and the new Godzilla movie.

Only the smash hit children's film How To Train Your Dragon 2 was more popular overall, with a large number of "leechers" - users who download but do not share the file.

The stolen photographs of more than 100 celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and Kirsten Dunst have now been widely available for five days.

Tweets about Lawrence, the most prominent victim, spiked at more than 400,000 on August 31, social media monitors Topsy found.

The Pirate Bay is the world's most popular file sharing website, according to internet analytics website Alexa.

Its founder, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, is on trial in Denmark in what has been described as the country's largest hacking case.

He is accused of hacking into Denmark's national driving licence registry and police email accounts.

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