Kids copy celebs' naked selfie posts

Children as young as 13 are taking suggesting much selfies and posting them connected, in a general direction connected to with nothing (no clothing) on noted person pictures by camera.

NetSafe told the gave decisions on Sunday that it was having knowledge of an increasing number of young 13 to 19 taking sexualised pictures by camera of themselves, which the internet watchdog suspects is related to the nearby leaking of with nothing (no clothing) on pictures by camera of noted person A-listers such as Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lawrence.

NetSafe chief technology officer Sean Lyons said some young people thought taking such images was a normal part of a relation or courtship.

Celebs such as Kim Kardashian may have normalised sexualised selfies.

He believed surprising bit of knowledge some much-loved noted persons took such images may have normalised it in the minds of some boys and girls of 13 to 19 years.

"persons in general like Kim Kardashian are making it quite clear that it is a normal part of courtship and relationships to produce this sort of thing and part it in the makes sense clearer of relations. But it is also ... quite clearly and readily seen that when relationships go wrong, or when the one who gets doesn't have the kind of great respect that you thought they had, then that material gets out."

Lyons said there were fears some of the young girls had been made use of force, or bullied, into taking the near snaps by older men with whom they had formed connected relations.

"we Have had reports where young people have entered into semi-anonymous relationships ... with people that they have never actually met but have formed fairly strong bonds with," he said.

"they may have decided to part a near image or viewing part ... within the limited space of a belief relation."

The men had then started making request of payment for keeping quiet their young wrongly losing persons.

 [The person] says 'Now I Have got this, plus I have knowledge of your social 1 Network 2. If you do not give me 20 more pictures then I am going to put this image onto my facebook, onto your facebook. I am going to send it to your quiet, I am going to send it to your school'," Lyons said.

People needed to be having knowledge of pictures by camera could be moved round if a relation ended. "When those relationships do go sour, sometimes the person who was the person one is going to be married to one who gets may be in a bad state of mind and may come to a decision to get some kind of get even by suggestion of violent behavior to give part [the picture by camera] or actually having the same it, or even making use of force them back into the relation in order that they do not part it."

School person to give opinions Sarah Maindonald, New Zealand Association of persons to give opinions cover manager for schools, said she had recently met an a person under 21 girl who had been "groomed" to post images connected of herself in her underclothing.

She also knew of a picture posted on Snapchat viewing a boys or girl of 13 to 19 years old "uncovered or near to" that was moved round around their school.
"they [the girls] might take something that they have in mind that is just going to one person and then it becomes public property," she said.

"it has a very great force of meeting blow on their agreement to marry in education because sometimes they just need to put out of the way away and not be be in agreement to go with at all. They might start truanting, it can make them unwell, they can get sad, unhappy."

While talking to the gave decisions on Sunday, Maindonald had a group of 10 to 12-year-olds in her office, all of whom said they had been persons marked of cyber-bullying.

"certainly, cyber-bullying would be the most common form of putting fear we are having to amount with at school," she said.

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