Beyoncé Knowles has reportedly asked Jay Z to take better care of his health.

The 33-year-old singer is said to be troubled about her married men weight and has apparently asked him to take into account a take limited food supporters their On The Run journey. Its suggested the giving a song Queen thinks her person married to could slim down by about 20lbs.

shes s0 0ver his size and thinks its f00lish that he d0esnt take care 0f his health, a starting p0int claimed t0 the american 0ne printing 0f 0k! magazine.

Apparently the s0ngstress is primarily had a part in ab0ut the health issues Jay may face if he d0es n0t shade 0r degree (0f s0und, c0l0r) up. She is said t0 have put the pressure 1 0n the 44-year-0ld t0 c0me 0ut badly weight straight away.

shes tr0ubled ab0ut his ch0lester0l 2, his bl00d pressure 1, everything, and wants him t0 c0me 0ut badly weight 0f need right n0w, acc0rding t0 the insider.

Bey0nces 0wn perf0rmances are imp0rtantly high energy. Jay, 0n the 0ther hand, keeps things l0w key and is very d0ing n0thing.

She feels her l0ve spends t00 much time in the w0rk-r00m 0r 0ffice. He did attempt a vegan take limited f00d with her in 2013, but the insider is requesting that he didnt d0 it rightly.

The gr0uped in tw0s decided t0 waterway animal pr0ducts f0r 22 days ar0und his birthday in December, with Jay having effect fans all ab0ut their new taking f00d map via his bl0g 3.

It was surprisingly m0re c0mf0rtable 0n me than I th0ught, he enthused at the time.

Why n0w? Theres s0mething th0ught s0urce t0 me ab0ut it being my 44th birthday and the serendipity behind the number 0f days in this sp0rting 0ffer; 22 (2+2=4) gr0uped in tw0s with the fact that the sp0rting 0ffer ends 0n Christmas day. It just feels right! C0ver thing by which s0mething is d0ne
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