Jennifer Lawrence's former boyfriend alleges he's a hacker

A man who claims to be Jennifer Lawrence’s ex-boyfriend has commited that he is a hacker - just a month after the Oscar-winning actress became the victim of the 4Chan nude photo leaked Scandal,

Brad Jackson, who alleges that he dated Lawrence when they were pre-teens growing up in Louisville, Kentucky made the revelation in conversation with the Sun on Sunday about the breach of privacy she suffered.

“She’s the type 0f pers0n wh0 w0uld have d0ne a nude scene but w0uld’ve wanted t0 make the decisi0n 0n her 0wn,” he said.

“The fact a hacker did it [leaked the pictures] was pretty s**ty - but that's the kind 0f field I'm in.”

The IT graduate went 0n t0 claim that he’d seen the c0mputer screen 0f a man claiming t0 have been the pers0n wh0 accessed Lawrence’s private ph0t0graphs thr0ugh her c0mputer with0ut her permissi0n.

He went 0n t0 claim that he is n0t a “black hat” hacker, like th0se that w0rk f0r 4Chan, but w0uld be tempted by the pr0fit he c0uld make fr0m it.
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