Kim Kardashian West in sad mood on day of proposal anniversary.

Kim Kardashian West was ''emotional'' on the anniversary of her wedding proposal.

Kanye West - who asked Kim to marry him on her birthday last year - surprised his wife with a trip to the Bay Area to watch the San Francisco Giants to celebrate the anniversary of their engagement.

The couple attended the AT&T Park last year and it is reportedly where Kanye popped the question.

An eye-witness told ''She was emotional most of the time and was in the bathroom in the private sky box for an inning or two.

''She was crying tears of joy, of happiness and didn't want people to see her being an emotional wreck.

''More importantly, because you know how vain she is, she didn't want anyone seeing her makeup run all down her face.''

Kim, 34, and 37-year-old Kanye - who have 16-month-old North West together - watched as the game was won by the Giants, who beat the Kansas City Royals 5 - 0.

Kim was treated to a first class experience at the game, but according to the source, she was more focused on remembering the couple's trip there a year ago.

The source continued: ''She just wanted some private time to herself as she remembered the engagement to her husband and to the man she plans to spend the rest of her life with.''
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