Kim Kardashian second sex tape surfaces on Web? Is it another Fappening?

A new rumor is making the rounds on the Web related to second sex tape of Kim Kardashian. Is this another Fappening?

 A new video is leaked in which a woman is seen in various states of undress. The woman resembles Kim.

Series 0f Fappenings since September this year have leaked t0ns and t0ns 0f nude ph0t0s 0f celebs including that 0f Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lawrence, Meagan G00d and Amber Heard.

It is said the ph0t0s were st0len fr0m the cell ph0nes 0f celebrities via iCl0ud hacking. Th0se were thereafter published 0n websites 4chan and Reddit.

The nude ph0t0s 0f Jennifer Lawrence were als0 published 0n her Wikipedia page. H0wever, it was immediately rem0ved.

The new leaked vide0 f00tage is 0f just 39 sec0nds but sh0ws a w0man, alleged t0 be Kim, having sex with a white male, wh0 g0es unidentified. The f00tage is a cl0se-up sh0t.

The hackers meanwhile have als0 pr0mised t0 put 0n public d0main a lengthier feature 0f the same vide0.

0nly upper half 0f the w0man in f00tage is sh0wn and t0 s0me extent she resembles Kim Kardashian. H0wever, this is assured it cann0t be the sec0nd sex tap 0f the reality star with husband, rapper Kanye West.

It is said the sec0nd sex tape featuring the tw0 is kept under wraps, if it exists 0f c0urse. The hackers are taking advantage 0f it and are b0asting the f00tage is actually 0f Kim.

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