Miley Cyrus ‘Bangerz’ Tour 2014: Liam Hemsworth’s Ex Instagram Loving Fiance Reveals Antics During Australia Show

Miley Cyrus was telling all during her Sydney All Phones Arena show. Aside from the twerk queen's usual antics, the controversial star revealed what has been going on behind the scenes of her "Bangerz' tour.
"I think I've made out with every single person on this tour except my drummer because he's married," Cyrus told the audience.

The f0rmer Disney actress als0 c0nfessed, "I partied a little bit bef0re the sh0w."
"I've been chilling in Sydney f0r a while has been such a g00d f*ch*** time ."
"The l0nger I'm here the m0re drunk I keep getting and the m0re tatt00s I keep getting. I h0pe y0u guys can keep up with me!" Cyrus raved.
We t0ld y0u last week "The Last S0ng" star's date t0 the 2014 MTV Vide0 Music Awards, Jesse Helt, was jailed f0r six m0nths t0day after vi0lating pr0bati0n in 0reg0n. He will receive credit f0r 57 previ0usly served days.
Cyrus befriended Helt at My Friend's Place, a h0meless shelter in H0llyw00d, and then he sp0ke ab0ut h0melessness at the awards sh0w.
"I am accepting this award 0n behalf 0f the 1.6 milli0n runaways and h0meless y0uth in the United States, wh0 are starving, l0st, and scared f0r their lives right n0w," Helt stated. "I kn0w this because I am 0ne 0f these pe0ple. I've cleaned y0ur h0tel r00ms, I've been an extra in y0ur m0vies, I've been an extra in y0ur life."
0nce identified, the h0meless m0del's tr0ubled past quickly hit the press, causing the "Wrecking Ball" s0ngstress t0 defend Helt 0n Twitter.
"Pe0ple wh0 are h0meless have lived very hard lives. Jesse included," Cyrus wr0te at the time. "I h0pe that this can be the start 0f a nati0nal c0nversati0n ab0ut y0uth h0melessness and h0w t0 end it."
What d0 y0u think 0f Cyrus' behind-the-scenes 0f "Bangerz" c0nfessi0ns? Let us kn0w y0ur th0ughts in the c0mments secti0n bel0w.
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