Kris Jenner is now Selena Gomez's new manager, takes over her whole life.

Selena Gomez was recently in need to a very new manager, after firing her mother from the top mixed bag of goods in April this year.

News has come through that she is looking for no more, and has in fact got use of person for money one of the most having a bad name power managers of our time Kris Jenner.

Yes, thats right! The star has enlisted the Queen 0f the Kardashian empire t0 0versee her living after being in t0uch it 0ff at Paris taste Week just weeks earlier.

Kris has already taken a m0therly undertakings 0n the Disney sch00l-learner and has taken Selena under her wing.

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shes really stepped int0 Selenas g0ing away m0ms sh0es and is ment0ring like she was her 0wn daughter, an insider t0ld 0k! magazine.

All seems g00d and well, but 0ur strange thing lies in what exactly Kris will d0 t0 f0rce 0f meeting bl0w Selenas living. lets have in mind, Kris managers 0ne 0f the m0st greatly respected families in the earth

in harm0ny with t0 the insider, Kris is sending Selena t0 a gruelling b00t base and it taking g0 f0rward 0f the stars rightness and health regimes.

Kris wants Selena t0 harden up her b0dy and get a Kate Huds0n six-pack and has signed her up f0r Barrys B00t base, which Kim d0es regularly.

This is where it gets a little fear-pr0ducing Kris is giving 0pini0n Selena 0n s0ft, readily bent surgery 1.

shes giving her tips and 0pini0n 0n everything fr0m surgery 1 t0 b0dy hair and Selenas c0mpletely in fear bef0re.

What an interesting with private business 0wners! We just h0pe everything w0rks 0ut

Selena has already has a stellar living t0 day. Her m0st nearby b00k 0f pictures 'stars dance' t0pped maps everywhere 0n earth peaking at #13 0n the ARIA b00ks 0f pictures map.

D0 y0u have in mind that Kris is a right manager f0r Selena? Let us have kn0wledge 0f 0n faceb00k!

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