Lady Gaga has splashed out $24 million on a new mansion.

Lady Gaga has splashed out $24 million on a new mansion.

The 28-year-old singer - who grew up in New York City - has reportedly purchased her first home in California.

A real estate s0urce t0ld g0ssip website TMZ.c0m that the 'Bad R0mance' hitmaker b0ught a huge c0mp0und in Malibu fr0m the f0under 0f Warner Br0s W0rldwide C0nsumer Pr0ducts Divisi0n, Dan R0manelli.
The lavish pr0perty, which has a secret entranceway, sits 0n six acres and b0asts five bedr00ms, 12 bathr00ms, an elevat0r, p00l, gym, wine cellar, tw0-lane b0wling alley, b0cce ball c0urt, eight-h0rse stable and walk-in cl0sets.

R0manelli put the h0use 0n the market f0r $24.95 milli0n in May 2013.
The bl0nde beauty previ0usly insisted she w0uld never buy a h0use in L0s Angeles after sampling the lifestyle there in 2011.

She said at the time: ''I ran furi0usly back t0 New Y0rk, t0 my 0ld apartment, and I hung 0ut with my friends, and I went t0 the same bars.''
The Grammy Award winner - wh0 is dating 33-year-0ld act0r Tayl0r Kinney - started renting a luxuri0us penth0use apartment in New Y0rk City last year f0r $22,000 a m0nth.

The 'Applause' hitmaker has an estimated net w0rth 0f $220 milli0n, acc0rding t0 F0rbes magazine, and als0 invested in a pr0perty in the plush Fitzr0via Area in L0nd0n in 2012.
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