Portia de Rossi's mother is disappointed she doesn't want children.

Portia de Rossi's mother is disappointed she doesn't want children.

The 41-year-old actress, who is married to chat show queen Ellen DeGeneres, feels like they're upsetting everyone, including her mother, Margaret Rogers, because they have no desire to start a family.
Asked ab0ut rum0rs they're g0ing t0 have a child, the 'Scandal' actress said: "0h, I kn0w. I kn0w. 0h, g0sh. It's just 0ne big rum0r that d0esn't seem t0 g0 away, and at this p0int, I feel like I'm disapp0inting the wh0le 0f America, n0t just my m0ther. Y0u kn0w? It's true. The tabl0ids are at me. My m0ther's at me. I just..."

The c0uple, wh0 g0t married six years ag0, l0ve spending time with P0rtia's nieces, Eva, five, and Perry, three, but are always happy t0 "leave" afterwards.

The bl0nde beauty t0ld 'Jimmy Kimmel Live': "They're ad0rable and we l0ve them and we play with them, and then we leave."

She j0kingly added: "It's supervised play, Jimmy."

P0rtia als0 says the girls think she is a "c00l aunt."

She said: "0ne 0f them, the y0unger 0ne, Perry, she seems t0 think that I'm great right n0w, and I'm g0ing t0 enj0y that f0r the next c0uple years."

And their 0lder niece enj0ys taking advantage 0f Ellen's star status.

The 'Arrested Devel0pment' star said: "She's five, s0 she realizes that the 0ther aunt -- Ellen -- there's a l0t 0f perks that g0 al0ng with that. There's free stuff, there's 'meet the p0p star that she wants t0 meet,' 12 days 0f giveaways, 0bvi0usly...She's a pretty g00d aunt t0 have. They watch her sh0w every day, s0 they've wised-up n0w."
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