Taylor Swift Emma Watson admires and applauds as icon.

Taylor Swift had nothing but praise for Emma Watson to discuss the discourse of Harry Potter star in the talk show "Tout Le Monde In Parle".

Lima . "My dream would have been 12 years and to see a video of my favorite actress, explaining the meaning of feminism intellectual, beautiful and touching way. Would have understood and would have been able to state much earlier in my life that I am a feminist, as would have understood the meaning of the word " Swift said in reference to the discourse on feminism that gave Emma Watson in the UN .

"So many girls out there say," I'm not a feminist 'because they think it means something angry or upset or complain or image, like, riots and pickets. It's not that at all. It simply means you believe that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. say that you are not a feminist means they think that men should have more rights and opportunities than women. I just think that many girls do not know the definition and the fact that Emma stood up and explained that I think is an amazing thing and I am happy to live in a world where that happened. "

The star 24-year-old believes the press is part of the problem of gender inequality , women to face against each other surveys as "Who do you think is the hottest woman?"

"One thing I really believe is that as a feminist issue to stop in gender equality, we need to stop turning it into a girl fight," he said. "We need to stop be interested in seeing girls fighting each other. It has to be more about cheer to each other. "
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