Taylor Swift donates $250K to Kesha, offers support during 'trying time'

Taylor Swift is often willing to confide in fans, a characteristic that has made her one of the most popular singers in the world. "I think for me it feels very natural to talk to teenagers and people my age ... about feelings and what they're going through and their insecurities," she told "Access Hollywood." Click through the gallery for other noteworthy quotes from the Grammy-winning singer.

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

In a blog post in April 2015, Swift said: "The results came in, and I'm saddened to tell you that my mom has been diagnosed with cancer. I'd like to keep the details of her condition and treatment plans private, but she wanted you to know." Here Swift and her mom, Andrea Swift, walk in New York City in 2014.

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On identity – "I think who you are in school really sticks with you. I don't ever feel like the cool kid at the party, ever. It's like, smile and be nice to everybody, because you were not invited to be here." -- Vogue, 2012

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On celebrity – "I've had countless opportunities to do some really bad things. And then people start combing through everything that I do trying to find the next mistake and misperception, which leads to more scrutiny." -- Elle, 2010

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On rebellion – "For me, rebelling is done with words: I love to write honest songs that name real people, then get up onstage and live out those emotions in front of 15,000 people. Penciling in a night to get wasted is not something I want to do." -- Glamour, 2009

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On ambition – "I love having a goal, feeling like I'm on a mission. I love trying to beat what I've done so far." -- Marie Claire, 2010

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On her future – "I'll just be sitting back and growing old, watching all of this happen or not happen, all the while trying to maintain a life rooted in this same optimism. And I'd also like a nice garden." -- Wall Street Journal, July 2014

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On nightlife – "I've never been a party girl. I'd rather sit at home and bake on a Friday night than go to parties." -- The Washington Post, 2008

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On friendship – "I'm the kind of girl who needs to tell her friends everything. I've developed this really close-knit group of girls. ... I met Emma (Stone, pictured) when I was 17, and I met Selena (Gomez) when I was 18. ... Somehow through all of it, we've stayed close. " -- Glamour, 2012

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On being a role model – "I definitely think about a million people when I'm getting dressed in the morning. (It) would be really easy to say, 'You know, I'm 21 now. I do what I want. You raise your kids.' But that's not the truth of it. The truth of it is that every singer out there with songs on the radio is raising the next generation." -- "60 Minutes," 2011

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On why she always looks so surprised – "People make so much fun of me for that, but I don't know. It's like, if you win an award, isn't that crazy? ... I try to be (blase), but it's hard when you get excited about stuff." -- "Nightline," October 2012

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On taking time off – "To me, relaxation equals a shirt with a bunch of cats." -- Twitter, 2011

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On (not) talking about sex – "It's fine to talk about love publicly, but I think when you talk about virginity and sex publicly, people just automatically picture you naked." -- Allure, 2009

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On getting inspiration from her love life – "I make sure I only write bad songs about the (guys) who deserve it." -- Glamour, 2010.

15 photos: Quoted: Taylor Swift

On gossip – "People are going to talk about you. But maybe you're having more fun than them anyway." -- People, October 2014

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