How to bring massive traffic from problogs...

After starting a blog is not easy to get regular traffic from first week. There are many way we are trying to bring traffic on our blog like – blog comments, social network, blogging communities, guest post and many more. But today I’m going to show you how to get at-least 50 visitors per day from a single problog.

Problogs -
Here I mention those blog as problog which have alexa rank below 50k and lots of followers on social networking sites. List of excellent probloggers with their blogs –

1. Enstine muki –
2. Ankit kumar Singla –
3. Kulwant Negi –
4. Harsh agrawal –
5. Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai –

Now let’s see how to get massive traffic from problogs -

1. Do comments on his/her blog – problogger blogs are gets lot of comments on their post just after published their post. In order to get traffic from their blog you have to add your comment within first three comments. If you can’t archive this; you will not get any traffic. Take some tactics to archive this?

  • Grab his/her RSS feed for update notification.
  • Subscribe his blog.
  • Probloggers are maintaining a schedule when they publish their posts. Find out exact time.
  • Don’t give short comment like :) nice post, thank you, great post etc.

What to do?

  • Use gravatar account for easy approve.
  • Do comment which should be related on that blog post.
  • If you have any question which related to that post, ask that question there.

What not to do?

  • Don’t do any shit comment.
  • Don’t use keywords as your name.
  • Don’t use your blog post link in comment.
  • This is very common tactics; every blogger use this tactics to bring  traffic.

2.Guest Blogging –This is the best way to bring lots of traffic on any new blog. Are you doing this? If not, don’t think twice write your guest blog post today. To get easily approve your articles write at least 1000+ words article, use proper images and sort-out grammatical mistakes. A guest post not only increase your blog traffic but also increase your blog popularity, rank and many more.

3.Interview – Frankly friends I really love to read this type posts. These type posts really excited me to read and help me to know many new things. This is another great way to increase blog traffic. Take an excellent interview of your favorite probloggers. Are you thinking how could it bring traffic?? Just after publish interview post on your blog tell him/her share this post on his/her social networks. So you will get lots of traffic from his/her social networks.

4. Follow him/her – follow your favorite probloggers everywhere social networking sites to blogging communities. Do share their blog posts regularly on your timeline; give valuable comments on behalf every post. After doing these regularly is not mean you will get a guest post. But it bring some opportunity for you like- write a guest post for that blog or some excellent suggestion on how to increase blog traffic or a guest post on your blog; anything can happen.

5. Trackback- This tactic not so helpful but sometime it works. So why miss it? Add their blog links into your blog post as better resources. Add their blog post link mean your post link will show at the end on their blog post.

Now think just doing these five simple steps you can bring at least 50+ visitors /day from any single problog. If you try this tactics on 10 problogs you will get 500+ visitors /day easily. Why thinking bro :) lets do it. If you have better tactics to bring traffic from problogs. Let me know in comment?? I loved to know new things from you.

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