Seven approved ways to make money from Facebook.

Many times we are searching how to make money from Facebook. Today I’m going to show you 7 proven methods to make money from Facebook. Facebook is the second biggest brand after Google. It has over 1 billion users all over the world. Just imagine how much people are using this social networking site to connect with their friends. No  doubt this the best place to marketing any product. But to do marketing any product you have to take some proper step otherwise you will not make a single penny from it.

  1. First create a Facebook  page.
  2. Bring huge number of like on your page.
  3. Make your page like a celebrity page.
  4. Regularly update it with good content, images and videos.
  5. Get at least 5k like on your page then start your business on it.

Note – you can take advantage of having a blog. But today I’m going to show to how to earn money from Facebook without having any blog. If you have a blog, it’s an advantage for you, Start your Self hosting WordPress blog today with free domain name

7 ways to make money from facebook :-

1. Sell your own product – If you are owner of an eBook or a video or software, you can sell it via your face book page. To get most sell promote face book page relevant product. If your face book page based on software promote their software not eBook.

Tips to boost your product sell –

  • Sell relevant product.
  • Sell that product which has demand in users.
  • Give highest discount offer.
  • Follow these three steps to sell your product regularly.

2. Sell affiliate product – if you haven’t any own product you can try affiliated marketing. Now times in the web there are thousands websites available. You have to sell their product and earn handsome percentage of commission from them.

Tips to boost affiliated product sell –

  • Do research before join any affiliate program.
  • Bring hottest product from them for users.
  • Offer discount coupon
  • Sell low price products for better result.
  • Example  – clickbank etc.

3.Create a face book application – If you know PHP, develop a facebook application and earn money from it. Millions of facebook users use many applications to manage their page; you have to create a useful application which attracts users.

You can earn money from this 3 ways –

  1. Sell this application
  2. Add donate button in the application
  3. Show ad inside your application.
4.Link Shortener – this is an old method. If your facebook page have huge number of fans, use this methods for better result. But now face book banned directly share shorten links, so use it carefully.

How to share shorten links –

First shorten your links then again shorten that link on then share it on Facebook.
Some link shortener that pays example –, linkbucks etc.

5. Referral program – Are you know about PTC program? PTC program is paid to click program where you can earn money by visit a website, read an email, doing a survey many more. But the best thing is you will get up to 50% commission by referring others. So you can share this referral link on your Facebook page which indirectly makes money for you. Example-, etc.

6. Sponsor post – If your Facebook page has huge number of fans you might be offer for sponsor post. A sponsor post means you will get paid by sharing other posts on your Facebook page time line.

7. Get paid for likes – Above all of these this method is pretty ordinary. But you can try this, you will get paid by like any webpage.

These are the effective ways you can make money from facebook . But its not easy to make money from it, you have to make your facebook page as a brand to make hundred dollars from it. If you are using any other method and earn money from facebook? Do share your unique method in comment.

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